Making video content can be daunting. Whether you’ve got a wealth of experience or are just starting out, video creation for many can be something that everyone can improve. Below we have listed a few dos and don’ts for you to consider when you make video content.
Planning your video (often known as pre-production) will help form the structure of the video. Having an outline of what you want to say and important points to make can ensure you do not have to re-film multiple times, and instead get a great first take!
Using free resources such as YouTube can help educate you with the editing and filming basics. YouTube has videos on everything! Important things to consider when making a video are lighting, camera work, and sound. If you are looking for something a bit more in-depth, perhaps paid short courses / longer courses may be worth investing your time in if you find a passion within this sector.
Good sound is crucial to any video, and poor quality sound is often picked up quicker than poor visuals. If the viewer cannot hear what the video is about, they will simply change the video.
Backing up your work is essential to any long-term project. Technology can go against you, especially if you are new to the software, it may be useful to look into a dedicated external hard drive for a long-term project.
Timing is essential! Do not make your video unnecessarily long, keep the content concise so your audience does not get bored of your content. When considering timing, think about the audience’s expectations for the type of video you are making. If you are making a short film, for example, for a platform such as YouTube, most viewers would like to watch between 10-15 minutes as this is the general guide. If you chose to make an animation instead, for example, you would want to reduce the time of your video as animation takes a lot longer to produce.
Don’t record unstabilized footage - unless this is an artistic choice, wobbly footage looks bad. Cleanly filmed and edited footage stands a much better chance of engagement. To avoid this, use a tripod (tripods are available for your phone, or for cameras, such as DSLRs).
Do not buy equipment that you don’t need. Although you may be excited, you do not need the most expensive DSLR camera to make the best product, particularly if you don’t know how to use it. Starting off with a basic to mid-range camera may help you develop greater skill and focus on getting the basics of filming down, before building from that. Using expensive equipment and technology is not a substitute for good filming/editing techniques.
Overall, small investments may produce much smoother work, but will not necessarily make your video an Oscar-worthy film! Taking great attention to the smaller details such as timing and sound can make your video stand out from other content creators, without having to pay for very expensive equipment.