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The benefits of outsourcing in a post-lockdown landscape


COVID-19 has changed the way we do business in innumerable ways: remote working, furlough schemes, massive disruption to supply chains both domestic and international, the list could go on. While lockdown is being lifted in the UK, many of these disruptions will continue, or at least have ramifications, for months or perhaps years to come. This means that new approaches to doing business will continue to proliferate, one of which is a rise in the use of outsourcing. In this difficult economic moment, outsourcing can provide a variety of benefits to any business. Here are some reasons that your business should consider outsourcing in a post-coronavirus environment:

Increased agility in a volatile market As lockdown relaxes, it may seem the worse is over in terms of our day to day lives and operations, but there are still a lot of unknowns when attempting to predict how the wider economy will be impacted in the months to come. In this risky and volatile moment, outsourcing allows your business to continue to operate effectively while also minimising risk. It’s somewhat old hat at this point, but some of the most successful businesses of the past few decades are defined by lean business models supplemented by effective and intelligent outsourcing. This is because the core business is able to upscale or downsize their operations much more freely than if they directly employed the required workers. In an economic environment defined by uncertainty, making your business leaner, whilst equally effective, should be a top priority.

More effective management While it may seem a misnomer that outsourcing your employees will make manager’s more effective, this is quite often the case. Making the business leaner means managers can spend less time dealing with admin tasks related to onboarding, leave requests and retaining resources, and more time doing what they do best: managing the actual operations of the business in their area of expertise. This allows managers to focus on the core activities of the business and make better strategic decisions that will only lead to more profitability. On the other side, this has the secondary effect of reducing costs due to regaining the time lost to these tasks, providing a double-edged sword of cost reduction and increased profitability.

Quality of service Outsourcing allows you to dip into a large pool of quality talent. Outsourcing companies employ specialists that can hit the ground running and maintain the continued smooth running of the business, providing the right staff for the exact type of work your business needs from them with the ability to scale work up and down as needed. It’s never been easier either. With how connected the world is and the fact that most work currently is being done remotely, outsourcing can be easily procured and implemented by any business with little disruption to your overall operations.

Q5. How do you think having so many businesses adapting to working remotely will affect the traditional office environment and 9 to 5 going forward? I think there will be a mixture, you will always have the old school type companies who want everyone in an office, but businesses have invested a lot of time and resource into getting set up from home so I think there will be far more flexibility from businesses. You also can’t think this is never going to happen again, so it makes sense for businesses to keep flexible working around in some capacity in case we ever have a situation like this in the future. Are you looking for some additional support without the commitment or cost of increasing your staff? minc offers a range of outsourcing services and will even assist you in creating an effective outsourcing plan for your business, find out more here.

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