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  • jamesanstee

Long term L&D planning: how to build a comprehensive L&D strategy

Like most other areas of work, learning and development has seen a sea change in the past decade brought about by technology. L&D teams have had to focus more on adapting to new technologies by digitising content for a newly decentralised workforce, especially since the start of the pandemic. While these technologies have increased efficiency in delivering L&D content, you may have found that long term strategies for employee development and retention may have fallen by the wayside. As we enter a new year and the post-pandemic world draws ever closer, it’s time to think about what you want your L&D offer to look like long term. Here’s some things to consider when developing a comprehensive L&D plan.

Use your business goals to inform your L&D strategy… Where you want your business to be will be one of the biggest definers of your L&D strategy moving forward. Start thinking less in terms of the actions required to get to where you want to be and start thinking about the skills required to perform those actions on both a team-wide and individual level. By taking this approach you’ll be able to prioritise your spend more effectively, focussing on developing the skills you need short term while making more holistic, longer term plans for skills you will need in the years to come.

…but involve your employees too Ultimately if you don’t develop your employees in ways that are amenable to them and their career aspirations, they are far more likely to simply leave your company, meaning any money you did invest in their training has gone with them. Once you’ve established your long-term skill needs, be sure to consult your employees on what skills they would like to gain. See where your priorities match and invest accordingly. This will also let the employee know you value them long term, meaning they’re much more like to stay and develop a sense of loyalty to your company.

Think about your L&D infrastructure Once you’ve developed your strategy, think about how you’re going to fulfil it. Do you already have an L&D platform that you use internally? If so, how are you going to develop content for it? What will happen when content becomes outdated and needs archiving? Would it be more cost-effective to bring in external providers? These are all things that must be considered. Minc can help you develop your learning and development strategy, as well as assist you in its delivery. Find out more here here.

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